2024-07-13 14:52:10 來源:中國教育在線
Colombia is a verdant wonderland
Soaring[高聳的] Andean summits, unspoiled Caribbean coast, enigmatic[神秘的,難以捉摸的] Amazon jungle, cryptic[神秘的] archaeological ruins and cobbled colonial communities. Colombia boasts all of South Americas allure[魅力], and more.
Colombias equatorial position affords it a diversity of landscapes matched by few countries. A slight tinkering in altitude takes you from sun-toasted Caribbean sands to coffee-strewn, emerald-green hilltops in the Zona Cafetera. Continue to climb and theres Bogot, the bustling cradle[搖籃] of Colombia and third-highest capital city in the world.
verdant 這個詞一般在較正式的行文或修辭中用得比較多;verdant形容(草、田野、樹木等)青翠、綠油油的,蔥蔥郁郁的;所以當大家想要替換green(綠色)這個詞時,就可以用verdant,還有點文藝范兒呢,比如:
Its ancient dwellings in a verdant valley and above it are the Atlas Mountains.
The dining room features hardwood floors and views of the verdantsurroundings.
What surprised us was that a flamingo took flight across the verdantrainforest.
unspoiled spoil這個詞很多小伙伴應該都比較熟悉了。在我們表達寵溺、寵壞小孩時,就可以用這個詞,比如:
Nowadays, many little kids are terribly spoilt by their parents and grandparents.
Our holidays were spoilt by bad weather, and we stayed at hotel for a whole week!
The bad news that we would move to the new office building on the outskirtspoilt my day.
I visited Poda Island several years ago and it was still unspoiled and stunning at the time.
The environment is largely unspoiled but global warming is having a rapid impact on it.
With booming tourism, therere few unspoiled landscapes in the country.
afford afford這個詞大家特別熟悉的一個含義是負擔得起,有足夠的錢、時間或地方做某事;但在原文這里用這個含義來理解顯然不太通了。afford在較為正式的書面用語中可以用來表示提供,或使某事物可能發(fā)生。在對應的中文釋義上,會根據原文的語境較靈活地翻譯。比如原文這里Colombias equatorial position affords it a diversity of landscapes matched by few countries.則是指哥倫比亞地處赤道附近,這使得它有著多樣的地貌,這是少有國家能夠匹敵的。
New technologies such as VR have afforded pleasure to many.
We stayed in a beachfront house and it afforded us a stunning view of the sea.
sun-toasted 在英文中,名詞+過去分詞的這種合成詞形式是十分常見的;這種合成詞言簡意賅,比如這里的sun-toasted; toast作動詞時表示烤(黃/脆),加熱,那么把它的過去分詞和sun結合在一起,所表達的意思就十分形象了被太陽烤過的,其實就是形容陽光明媚的沙灘且沙灘的顏色比較偏烤焦,烤黃的那種感覺;類似的表達還有sun-kissed beach(被太陽親吻過的沙灘)sun-drenched beach (被陽光滲透的沙灘)等等,都可以用來指陽光明媚的沙灘。
coffee-strewn 這個詞和sun-toasted有異曲同工之處,都是名詞+過去分詞構成;strewn是strew的過去分詞;strew原本表示散播,撒滿;那這里筆者說coffee-strewn無非就是形容這里的咖啡很多(因為我們都知道,南美其實是盛產咖啡豆)。
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