2024-04-04 17:03:22 來源:中國教育在線
Recent years, because traffic is convenient day-by-day, people have a morechance to travel around the world. The plane can make us reach any corner of theearth in a short time. Some people think visitors to others countries shouldimitated local custom and behaviors. Some people disagree; they think the hostcountry should welcome culture different.
As the a famous saying goes: Do as they do at Rome. The knowledge of localcustom can help outside person adapt to the new environment rapidly. Moreover,each place has the own unique culture, may keep in touch more ideology andculture through the local folkways and customs. For instance, a Chinese peoplecame to Britain, he can imitate British life style. In this way, He canunderstand British habit more thoroughly, thus, make himself live a morecomfortable life in Britain.
On the other hand, the outside thought has a lot of positive influence onlocal culture too. For example, the outside thought could bring the new theoryand inject vigor into local culture. The exchanges of outside thought andtraditional culture can help people to find out about the culture of other areasand countries.
Making a general survey of human history, it is a positive trend that thenationality has been merging all the time. So, we should not only propagatelocal culture for the outside people but also study outside culture and custom.In this way, the earth would become a family, all the people would get alongharmoniously.
What We Should Do in the Face of Difficulties
When we are faced with difficulties,don't complain. Instead,we should try our best to pull ourselves through. As we all know, everyone will meet trouble in the daily life. How to overcome the trouble successfully is a question which is worth considering.
First and foremost, we should be full of confidence in ourselves. Anyone will experience tough times and failures. Some people have no confidence in themselves, they dare not face the trouble. On the contrary, others choose to face them bravely. Of course, the result is completely different : the former will fail and the latter may succeed. So when times are tough, please remember to hold up your courage and smile. Furthermore, we must keep calm, analyzing the cause of failure, which is closely related to the coming success. Last but not the least, persistence also plays an important role because sometimes the tough times are long. We should be patient and never give up, as the success would come sooner or later.
Generally speaking, when we feel helpless, our confidence and our persistence will surely help us go through the most difficult time. Tomorrow will be a fine day if we smile at everything.
It is right that college graduates earn higher salaries than the lesswell-educated in the community. But they should also pay the full cost of theirstudy. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Some conclude that college students should bear Idontknowl expenses fortheir higher learning on the generalization that college graduates usuallyreceive higher salaries for similar jobs than those without a college degree. Wecan not deny that higher level of education, indeed, do associate with betterincome. Still, build on such fact alone, the conclusion remains questionablewhen more aspects are taken into consideration.
The whole argument in question rests on an assumption that it is always thecase that people with higher education make more money than those lesswell-educated. But salary or income is, in most cases, based on contributionsmade by employees to companies or organizations in which they are employed.Statistics in the labor market indicate that people with professional trainingtend to find jobs easier than college graduates do and that blue-collar workerswho do not hold college degrees are becoming the hotties in the labor market.Employers prefer to hire and pay more to highly skilled and specially trainedpeople rather than fresh college graduates. In the auto industry, for instance,skilled technicians make two or three times more than their college educatedcounterparts who make the average salaries in other companies. And it is widelyaccepted that people’s income is determined more by talent, hard work, andwillingness to take risks than solely by certain qualifications such as collegeeducation. Otherwise, the unemployment rate of college graduates would not beincreasing every year and the rule of supply and demand will lose much of powerin controlling the labor market. Admittedly in some knowledge extensive fieldsuch as research, teaching, and practice of law the labor force are primarilyconsists of highly educated professionals. But such people make up only afraction of the labor market and are thus unrepresentative of the wholeemployment in general.
Considering the goal of education, we find that it is even more problematicfor the country to throw all the responsibility of financing college educationto college students. The goal of higher education of a nation is to improve andstrengthen the general level of intellectual and professional capacity of itslabor force, thereby increasing the competency of the nation in the globaleconomy. As tax payers, parents all contributes to the education system andcountry in various ways. It is only reasonable and necessary that the countrygives some forms of financially assistance to students to ease the burden ofrising education costs. Such help should go to not only students from needy orimpoverished families but also outstanding students from affluent backgrounds.Doing so can significantly boost the motivation of children from millions offamilies to engage in higher level of study. It is understandable that thegeneral quality of people in a country will improve and its economy will benefitboth now and in years to follow.
If the burden of supporting children’s higher education is dumped onparents and students, thousands of brilliant students will be deprived ofchances to pursue their academic inspiration. Among those who suffer woulddefinitely be future great scientists, business managers, artists and statesmen.The loss will be disastrous and irreversible.
In conclusion, the idea that students should also pay the full cost oftheir study is wrong and harmful because it is wrong to assume that highereducation necessarily equalize high income. Moreover, it is in the best interestof a nation to take responsibility in financing college education so that thegoal of higher education will be better met.